Saturday, March 15, 2008

Who says girls can't ride bikes?

I don't mean to brag. *Honestly* I don't. =) Al and I have talked up riding her bike to Olivia all week. So, this morning while Daddy and Cooper went to take off the trash, I took Olivia out to practice riding her bike. I won't lie, she wanted to give up after 30 seconds. But, I kept up the positive reinforcement and after about 2o minutes, she could pedal all on her OWN!!! I was so proud! She's still moving slow, but this is a HUGE accomplishment for Olivia Grace. She gets discouraged easily when she can't do something so I worked hard to keep her trying. She even asked to get back on her bike and show her Daddy what she could do later. He was proud of his little girl! I think us telling her that Cooper was getting a bike for his birthday and she needed to learn to ride *her* bike so she could help me teach him how to ride his really helped a TON. Anyways, after riding her bike, we spent pretty much the entire day outside. The kids had so much fun.

Olivia playing with the blocks......

Cooper. =) Don't you love this new shoes I found for him? They are SUPER CUTE!!!

Olivia and Cooper love to do this. Cooper would just laugh as his Sissy pulled him around the back yard.

This is Olivia's attitude about *everything.*

Cooper playing in the tree house. He's getting so big! He can totally climb up the ladder all on his own. He thinks he's as old as Olivia sometimes!

So, we had a pretty fun day until the rain came! The kids should sleep really, really, really good tonight. =)

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