Sunday, March 02, 2008


Well, my hope that the kids and I wouldn't get sick didn't last. I woke up Saturday morning feeling like CRUD. I had started feeling icky Friday night but thought I could shake it. Cooper woke up Saturday morning feeling bad too. At around 4pm, Al and I put the kids in the tub and afterwards Cooper layed down and said he wanted to go "gait gait" - I layed down with him and we both slept until 7am this morning! Geez!!!! What is that? A 16 hour nap? LOL I do feel better but I'm still coughing. Al is still coughing. Cooper's nose is running like crazy. Olivia is the only one that isn't sick. I hope she doesn't wake up in the morning feeling bad!

I hope Coop feels better in the morning, I hate when the kids are sick!

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