Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

What does a Rock Star and a Werewolf have in common?

They're brother and sister!  Ha ha!

This year for Halloween O decided to go as a Rock Star/Draculaura and Cooper is a "really mean" werewolf.  Aren't they the cutest though?  They love Halloween......but I really can't wait for all the good candy.  :)  

Thursday, October 27, 2011

His Turn I suppose?

So apparently Cooper was NOT to be outdone by his big sister and hurt his eye yesterday at school.  Poor thing looked HORRIBLE when Al and I got him to urgent care Wednesday night.  His eye was red, swollen and causing my poor boy a lot of pain.  Luckily, it's just a small cut on his eye and after wearing a patch overnight, his eye felt ok and looked SO MUCH better.  He must have gotten sand or dirt or something in it and scratched it.  THA went on a field trip yesterday so of course he totally played it off because he didn't want to miss out. 

He's not much on being a pirate but he did pose long enough for me to snap this picture of him when we got home.  I'd like to say he was a good sport at the doctor's office but I would be lying.  He's male so he was a *huge* baby.  I don't mean that in a mean way of course, but we all know how men are.  Ha ha!  Cooper definitely proved he's no exception to this rule.  :)  He cried every time the nurse or doctor looked at him wrong. 

I just hope this is our last trip to the ER or urgent care for awhile.  I'm not sure how much more my heart can take.  (I regret not getting a picture of them together.  How funny would it be years down the road to see Cooper with one eye and O with one arm? Ha ha!)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

As you can see from the picture, OGG picked out the BIGGEST pumpkin at the pumpkin patch.  Well, I don't know that for a *fact* but I mean, really - can there be a larger pumpkin out there? 

O is so damn proud of that pumpkin too.  She seriously hugs the thing every morning as we walk out the door.  The first day, it was cute.  Now it's getting annoying as heck.  :)  There's no way I'm craving that pumpkin, so we'll be looking for some stencil and paint kits to do something with it.  I think she wants a tiger paw on it - we'll see.  I doubt anyone would steal it.  Unless they have a wheelbarrow handy.  Ha ha!  Thank goodness Cooper picked out a normal sized pumpkin.  Although my mom said it took him forever because he was looking for the "perfect" one. 

Is it me or does this picture make anyone else giggle?  I mean, you can barely get up my front steps! 

Sunday, October 09, 2011

It happened to O, Not Cooper

O in the ER  :( 

I thought Cooper would be the child of mine that would have the first broken bone.  But, in typical Olivia fashion, she was not to be outdone and broke a bone FIRST.

Yeap - O has a broken wrist.  Al took the kids to the park on Saturday when she fell off the monkey bars and landed on her arm.  We were more concerned with her shoulder at first because her upper arm looked swollen and she couldn't lift it. I was NOT expecting a broken bone. 

We go tomorrow to find out if she will need a cast.  I hope she does - simply because the 48 hours she's had her "temporary" cast on, it's been hectic.  She won't leave it alone and constantly moves it - so I think a cast would help to keep her arm still and in one spot.  We'll see though.  I'm not the doctor and we'll have to do whatever he suggests.  O wants a pink cast (who would have thought???) so she's a little excited about this. 

Monkey bars are the devil.  

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

RIP Bluey

Cooper got a Beta fish for his birthday.  He named him Bluey and he and Olivia fell in love.  They never forgot about that fish - and never missed a day of feeding him.

Bluey lasted a good 6 weeks.  Then he bit the bucket.

I came home today to find this sign on the toilet.  I laughed.  O got mad that I laughed so I had to apologize.  THEN Al tells me that they insisted visitation be held and the neighbor came over and hummed Taps as Al flushed.  I mean, how does she expect me NOT to laugh when I hear that?  I really hate that I missed these moment.  Funniest family moment EVER. 

(And I'm debating on getting them another Beta Fish since I laughed.  So don't say I'm completely heartless because you'd be a liar.)

Monday, October 03, 2011

More Pictures

We had some more family pictures made on Sunday by my friend Leslie Wilkes.  She's awesome ya'll!  I can't thank her enough for the great pictures she took.  All for nothing because she's super cool like that.  I owe you a BIG one Leslie!

Our Family 2011

My girl and her freckles.  Love them!

My sweet, sweet boy!

I have a TON more shots that are just as good so check out my FB page to see more. I keep getting compliments on how I'm looking these days and I have to admit, I am really enjoying it!  I hope that after New Years, I can take some more pictures and be even thinner!  :)