Monday, March 24, 2008


Maybe this whole Potty Training Boot Camp deal that Al and I did this weekend actually did pay off! Al could not, and I repeat, could not get Cooper to sit on the potty this morning. So, he put a pull-up on him and got him dressed (keep in mind Cooper had not used the potty at all this point since the night before). So, a few minutes later Cooper walks up to me and says "Me pee pee Mama" so I run him to the bathroom and he pees in the potty! Woo hoo!!!! I don't feel so defeated after all. =)

I can't wait to talk about something other than the potty. =)

1 comment:

wtspb2007 said...

Hi...I stumbled across your blog and have been reading about your potty training adventures. It sounds like you might be using my potty training guide. Can I help in any way?? Email me at if you want or need advice.

Hang in there! Your son WILL be potty trained. For most kids, it really takes about a week to truly become reliable about using the potty - even if they fully understand the concept.

Suzanne Riffel, author of "The Potty Boot Camp: Basic Training for Toddlers"