Saturday, March 22, 2008

Glitter Eggs

The kids really wanted to dye their Easter eggs today so that's exactly what we did! I love seeing pics of other people and their kids dyeing eggs, but I'm telling's very nerve racking with an almost 5 year old and a 2 1/2 year old! But, the kids had a really good time and that's all that matters right? =)

Cooper writing on his egg....actually is more of a scribble. Ha!

Olivia writing on her egg.....she kind of wrote her name on hers. It was cute.

Cooper cracked one of his eggs so I let him eat it. He really liked it too which leads me to believe he cracked that egg on purpose!

Olivia dipping her egg in the "glitter."

Olivia and her Daddy shaking the egg in the "glitter" maker.

Olivia's world famous pink glitter egg. You honestly didn't think it would be ANY other color did you?

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