Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Cat in the Hat Sleeps Over

Olivia is at her first sleep over. I can't believe it....she actually spent the night! I am sssooo proud of her. I guess she really is growing up. *sniffle* I can't wait to pick her up this afternoon and find out how much fun she had. =)

Here's some cute pictures of Olivia - they celebrated Dr. Suess's birthday the other day at school by making their own "Cat in the Hat" hats. Olivia's was sssooo cute. Here she is sporting her hat.

Her "silly" Cat in the Hat pose.

How cute is she? =)

And this is how I found Cooper this morning. I think he really missed his Sissy last night! He cried after her when Al and I dropped her off. I felt sssoo bad for the little guy. But we did take him out to eat and I think he enjoyed that. Him and Olivia play Hopstoch all the time so I guess this was his way of saying "Go get my Sissy!" Ha!

His "oh no, I've been caught playing with Sissy's toys" look. =)

So, I do have to give kudos to my friend Michele for taking a look at my laptop and cleaning it up. She said it was a mess and was really infected with a virus. It's super fast now and like brand new thanks to her. Thanks Michele!!!

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