Saturday, March 29, 2008

It got one of us!

The Flu got Cooper! The Flu got Cooper! Our poor little guy woke up so sick on Thursday morning. I took him to the doctor and sure enough, he tested positive for the flu! So needless to say, Dr Bonnie hooked up the whole family with some Tamiflu to help us from all getting it. Let's hope that it works! Cooper seems to be feeling A LOT better today....he's running around after
Sissy and playing. I think he's on the road to recovery. Woo Hoo!

Here's some pics of the little guy on Thursday afternoon. He fell asleep sitting straight up on the couch! Too funny!

awwww =)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Pro Softball player

Watch out World! Olivia Grace - the world's youngest pro softball player! =)

Ok, maybe not.....especially if you've ever seen her "play" - ha ha! Olivia had her team pictures made and I think they came out really cute. Al was worried that her picture alone was going to be horrible but I have to say.....this is probably one of her BEST fake smiles ever. I have to give my kid kuddos for that. =)

Notice the pink nail polish on those itty bitty chunky girl knows how to balance sports and being girlie! =)

The Team! Olivia LOVES...and I mean LOVES Coach Garcia (Mr. Garcia I should point out). She runs over and hugs and talks to him after every single game. He's such a nice guy too because he always tells the girls how well they did even when they really didn't do so hot. He's got a patience that I don't have, that's for sure. I wouldn't mind Olivia staying on his team next year.......

Sorry about the lines in the pics...that's from the scanner at work. Thanks Teresa for scanning these for me. =)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Cooper is doing pretty well with potty training! I don't think the daycare is taking him to the potty but that WILL change soon. After he runs out of diapers, I am *not* buying him more and I will simply take some clothes up there and tell them that he is doing well at home and needs to be using the potty there too. I am NEVER going to get him fully trained if they allow him to pee and poop in a diaper. So....we'll see what happens. He actually woke up last night and told us that he had to go potty. Al and I are very proud and very excited that he's starting to get the hang of it.

Ok, enough potty talk. =) Fili (the girl at my church) was approved for her Visa on Monday (I think) and she and her hubby are on their way home. God is good! Thanks to anyone that prayed that she would be able to return home.

Not much going with the Griggs family.....the countdown is on for Olivia's 5th birthday party!

Monday, March 24, 2008


Maybe this whole Potty Training Boot Camp deal that Al and I did this weekend actually did pay off! Al could not, and I repeat, could not get Cooper to sit on the potty this morning. So, he put a pull-up on him and got him dressed (keep in mind Cooper had not used the potty at all this point since the night before). So, a few minutes later Cooper walks up to me and says "Me pee pee Mama" so I run him to the bathroom and he pees in the potty! Woo hoo!!!! I don't feel so defeated after all. =)

I can't wait to talk about something other than the potty. =)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Potty Training Boot Camp - Day 3

Potty Training Boot Camp was NOT a success! UGH! I have no idea what Al and I may have done wrong, but Cooper is *not* trained like the guide said he would be., I guess we are going to keep trying.

So, this may be silly....but please pray that Al and I can get Coop trained soon! I really, really, really want to get him into Thomas Hart in August. No pressure right?

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!!!

Olivia with her basket....she is a pro at egg hunting!

The kids "discussing" who really found the Prize Egg. I think Olivia took credit, of course. =)

She found it!

Cooper with chocolate on his face.....guess he couldn't wait until the egg hunt was over before he at his candy! LOL

Me and the kids before church. Notice Olivia's face? What a turd!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Potty Training Boot Camp - Day Two

We are in Day Two of our Potty Training Boot Camp! I'm not sure where we stand to be completely honest. Cooper has used the potty several times but he's just as many accidents. So, you can see why it's so easy to get discouraged! But thankfully we haven't had a poppy accident like we did yesterday. Whew! Of course, the day isn't over yet. I just don't feel like we've made much ground. I mean according to the guide, Cooper should be going to the potty more consistently by this point. We'll see.....we still have tomorrow.

Potty training is HARD WORK!

Glitter Eggs

The kids really wanted to dye their Easter eggs today so that's exactly what we did! I love seeing pics of other people and their kids dyeing eggs, but I'm telling's very nerve racking with an almost 5 year old and a 2 1/2 year old! But, the kids had a really good time and that's all that matters right? =)

Cooper writing on his egg....actually is more of a scribble. Ha!

Olivia writing on her egg.....she kind of wrote her name on hers. It was cute.

Cooper cracked one of his eggs so I let him eat it. He really liked it too which leads me to believe he cracked that egg on purpose!

Olivia dipping her egg in the "glitter."

Olivia and her Daddy shaking the egg in the "glitter" maker.

Olivia's world famous pink glitter egg. You honestly didn't think it would be ANY other color did you?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Jenny from the Block

Three posts in one day! Wow!!! I have had A LOT going on these past few days! My friend Jenny came down to visit from Iowa with her family. It was sssooo good to see her! It's been YEARS - how many exactly, I'm not sure, at least 7 - since we've last seen each other. Jenny moved away when we were freshman in high school.....and now she's a married mom to one cute little boy! We've kept in touch the last few years by email, phone, and texting. Her son Ryan was born eight days before Cooper so it was really neat to have a close friend pregnant at the same time as I was. Anyways, we all got together at Kelly's house on Thursday to hang out and all, so here are some pictures of that! For some reason Blogger is not letting me edit this and put my captions under the pics. Jenny is the SKINNY red head and Kelly is the dark haired one on the right. I'm the whale in the pink shirt. =) Ok, I think I am done posting today!

Potty Training Boot Camp - Day One

Potty training boys is HARD!!!

We are in day one of our "Potty Training Boot Camp" and it's hard, very hard. Apparently boys don't care that they pee in their pants A LOT or if they even stinky in them. UGH! But, we are *NOT* giving up. Cooper has used the potty twice so far today.......and had about ten accidents. =( We knew it would be hard and hopefully day two will go much, much smoother. At least I really hope so.

We may need to invest in more Spongebob undies......

Easter Pics

I've mentioned before that I am by no means a photographer....especially a kids photographer! But, I'm cheap and I force my kids to let me take their pictures myself. =) Amy had asked me to take some of Louis, so I thought it would be the perfect to just go ahead and get my two out of the way too. Ha! So, here are some of the "best" shots I got. And by the way, I took THREE rolls for film!

Cooper - 2 1/2 years old. Isn't he the cutest thing ever??? He did so well with me.....way better than his Sissy!!!!

I thought this was a cute picture of the kids.....

Olivia - I couldn't get her to smile for anything! So, I opted for the "just look down and I'll snap it" shot. =)

I like this one because Olivia is trying SO HARD to be sweet and Cooper is like "eeewwww" - ha!

This one is cute, but it reminds me of the Wizard of Oz....anyone else? LOL

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Talking up a storm!

Cooper is talking SO MUCH these days! He went from saying hardly *nothing* to talking ALL THE TIME! I love it! He definitely suffered from the "2nd kid" syndrome and let his Sissy talk for him. He's so cute though, his little voice is the sweetest thing *EVER.*

His new favorite sayings are:
"You mean Mama (or Daddy, Sissy, etc)."
"That's my spot!" (referring to his Daddy laying in OUR bed)
"Bye Sissy, bye Mama"

It's hard for me to believe that he'll be three in August. Wow. Al and I are going to attempt a 3 day "potty training boot camp" with him Friday - Sunday. Some one emailed me some info on how to potty train your kid in 3 days. Basically it said that kids are ready earlier than you think and that potty training fails because the parents give up to early, not the child. Which I can totally see because I did kind of stop with the whole potty issue when he was constantly peeing in his pants. So, we'll see how it goes. It can't hurt to give it a try right?

He loves his Sissy's purple Barbie Jeep. Al will probably kill me for posting this picture. But to him, it's just a toy, he doesn't know it's a girlie toy!

And I honestly don't know how much my heart can take watching Olivia play softball. =) She had another game last night and they lost 5-9. But, to their defense, I think the other team has more older players on it than our team does. It was a good game and Olivia had fun. When I got there, she was twirling around and writing her name in the dirt.......NOT paying attention to the game. I just knew one of those girls were going to hit the ball right to her and knock her lights out! Thankfully, that didn't happen. =) Oh, and she hit the ball VERY well too. I might make a softball player out of her after all. Ha!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Who says girls can't ride bikes?

I don't mean to brag. *Honestly* I don't. =) Al and I have talked up riding her bike to Olivia all week. So, this morning while Daddy and Cooper went to take off the trash, I took Olivia out to practice riding her bike. I won't lie, she wanted to give up after 30 seconds. But, I kept up the positive reinforcement and after about 2o minutes, she could pedal all on her OWN!!! I was so proud! She's still moving slow, but this is a HUGE accomplishment for Olivia Grace. She gets discouraged easily when she can't do something so I worked hard to keep her trying. She even asked to get back on her bike and show her Daddy what she could do later. He was proud of his little girl! I think us telling her that Cooper was getting a bike for his birthday and she needed to learn to ride *her* bike so she could help me teach him how to ride his really helped a TON. Anyways, after riding her bike, we spent pretty much the entire day outside. The kids had so much fun.

Olivia playing with the blocks......

Cooper. =) Don't you love this new shoes I found for him? They are SUPER CUTE!!!

Olivia and Cooper love to do this. Cooper would just laugh as his Sissy pulled him around the back yard.

This is Olivia's attitude about *everything.*

Cooper playing in the tree house. He's getting so big! He can totally climb up the ladder all on his own. He thinks he's as old as Olivia sometimes!

So, we had a pretty fun day until the rain came! The kids should sleep really, really, really good tonight. =)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Too much TV?

Last night I was flipping through the channels and landed on Disney. Hannah Montana was on and Olivia screamed "Leave it there, that's Miley Cyrus!" Now, someone explain to me how my not-yet-five-year-old knows that Hannah Montana's REAL name is Miley Cyrus! I don't think she watches THAT much tv, I mean, she is in school for most of the day and I KNOW they don't watch tv there! =)

My attempt to braid...I just can't get the hang of braiding tightly! UGH.

My super sweet little man in the tub.....he LOVES bathes, almost as much as his Sissy. He is definitely in his terrible twos these days....he throws MASSIVE tantrums and has a BIG attitude (especially when he doesn't get what he wants). Olivia was much easier to handle because I could simply walk I when I try that, Olivia eggs him on and gets him in even more trouble. Mean, mean, little kids!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Can't leave Cooper out

Here's my sweet little guy at the ball field cheering for his Sissy!

First Softball Game

Olivia had her first softball game tonight. And it ended in a TIE!!! 2-2, what a great game! You would NEVER believe it, but Olivia Grace was the tieing run! Yeap, my Baby Girl hit the ball, got a DOUBLE and ended up coming across home plate. Al and I were jumping up and cheering her and the team on the entire game. Yeap, I'm one of *those* parents! LOL
Here's some pics:

When I got there, Olivia was moved from catcher (the equipment didn't fit her so she was having a hard time) to left center. But all she did was twirl around and play in the dirt. Oh yeah, she sat out a couple of innings too! =)

Olivia "on deck."

She almost looks like she knows what she's doing doesn't she?

Here she is on SECOND base - she hit a double! Al was so proud!

Here's her team getting ready to shake hands with the other team. If you look closely, you'll see Olivia was hitting the other girls hands....silly girl!

I can't tell you how happy I was that Olivia did so well. She's the youngest kid on her team so I think she did pretty darn well. So, her team, is 1-0. Woo Hoo!!!!

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Cat in the Hat Sleeps Over

Olivia is at her first sleep over. I can't believe it....she actually spent the night! I am sssooo proud of her. I guess she really is growing up. *sniffle* I can't wait to pick her up this afternoon and find out how much fun she had. =)

Here's some cute pictures of Olivia - they celebrated Dr. Suess's birthday the other day at school by making their own "Cat in the Hat" hats. Olivia's was sssooo cute. Here she is sporting her hat.

Her "silly" Cat in the Hat pose.

How cute is she? =)

And this is how I found Cooper this morning. I think he really missed his Sissy last night! He cried after her when Al and I dropped her off. I felt sssoo bad for the little guy. But we did take him out to eat and I think he enjoyed that. Him and Olivia play Hopstoch all the time so I guess this was his way of saying "Go get my Sissy!" Ha!

His "oh no, I've been caught playing with Sissy's toys" look. =)

So, I do have to give kudos to my friend Michele for taking a look at my laptop and cleaning it up. She said it was a mess and was really infected with a virus. It's super fast now and like brand new thanks to her. Thanks Michele!!!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Seriously Folks

Ok, I want to take a minute and post a serious blog. And I don't CARE what your views on the whole "illegal immigration" stand are....that's not the point of this blog.

A girl that is a member of my church was brought over to this country from Mexico by her parents as a 2 year old. Therefore, yes, she's illegal. She has grew up here, married a guy that is American and now has a 2 year old son. She decided to right a wrong and take the steps she has to take to get a work visa. I'm trying to keep as many details out as possible because I don't know if she would care if I wrote this about her. So, she went to Mexico and was denied a work visa for 30 days. She has another appointment towards the end of March. This means people, that she has to stay in Mexico for 30 more days without her son. She can not leave. I know she has some comfort with her husband there. If she is denied again, she may have to stay in Mexico for 10 years to qualify.

I find this CRAZY. And my hearts breaks for her since she is away from her little boy. I don't care what nationality you are, illegal or legal - a mother being away from her kids for a long period of time is heart breaking. I feel so bad for her. So, I want all you guys to pray that she is granted a work visa when she goes back and gets to come HOME. SC is her home - this is her first trip to Mexico and hopefully her last. Please keep her in your prayers.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Favorite Part

I have no pictures to share. I'm sorry.

So, until I get my computer over to Michele's and have her get whatever virus I have on it off, I won't be able to post any cute pictures of the kids. I promise to take it to her ASAP! Anyways, last night Olivia had softball practice AND dance lessons. Since softball is new and she just started I asked her how it was going. Here's the conversation that followed:

Me: Olivia, how was softball practice?
O: It was FUN! *insert shriek*
Me: Great...what is your favorite part of softball practice?
O: *twirling around in a circle*
Me: *confused look on face* What does that mean?
O: I like to hit the ball!
Me: Oh, ok....that was my favorite part when I played too.
O: Mommy, you didn't ask me what my favorite part of dance is.
Me: Ok, what's your favorite part of dance?
O: When it's over. *insert giggle*

WHEN IT'S OVER!!!! Can you believe the nerve of my daughter? She changes her mind on dance like she changes underwear. One Monday she loves it, one Monday she hates. I have no idea what to do with her. She WILL finish out this year in dance, but I guess you can say it's up in the air about next year. She just completely caught me and Al off guard with that comment.

In other news, Cooper is still under the weather a bit so I think I am taking him to the doctor tomorrow. He's just not himself. So, hopefully I can get some different meds in him and have him back to his happy self again soon.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


Well, my hope that the kids and I wouldn't get sick didn't last. I woke up Saturday morning feeling like CRUD. I had started feeling icky Friday night but thought I could shake it. Cooper woke up Saturday morning feeling bad too. At around 4pm, Al and I put the kids in the tub and afterwards Cooper layed down and said he wanted to go "gait gait" - I layed down with him and we both slept until 7am this morning! Geez!!!! What is that? A 16 hour nap? LOL I do feel better but I'm still coughing. Al is still coughing. Cooper's nose is running like crazy. Olivia is the only one that isn't sick. I hope she doesn't wake up in the morning feeling bad!

I hope Coop feels better in the morning, I hate when the kids are sick!