Sunday, September 21, 2008

Our Date at the Clemson Game

Yesterday Al and I had a date *DAY* and it was fabulous! It was so nice to be able to spend the whole day with my hubby and do things with him that he really enjoys. That means - Clemson football baby! My dad has season tickets to the games but couldn't go to the CU/SC State game so Al and I went. We had a blast. My dad has awesome seats so watching the game was really, really fun. Of course, we won 54-0!!!!!

The only thing I don't like about the games is the fact that we have to park SSSSOOO far away, take a bus to the stadium, and then walk straight up some hills to get to the gate. And not to mention the crowds....I hate crowds. But, Al had a blast and we're supposed to go back on Saturday for the Maryland game.

The Tigers wore purple on Saturday.....

I took this picture for the kids!

See how close we were? These seats are amazing.

The Clemson Band....

#10 is Cullen Harper - Clemson's quarterback and #80 is Aron Kelly - one of our best receivers so far this season!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Gee thanks for letting me know you were in town! :-) I could have gotten you a parking pass for the day if I'd known. I don't live far from Clemson. :-)