Thursday, August 16, 2007

The things they do....

School is going great! Olivia is loving it and is so excited to go everyday. I'm usually the 1st or 2nd person in line to drop her off in the mornings because she's ready to go. She jumps right out the car and runs inside the gym. No "bye Mom", no "I love you Mom" - nothing! I do manage to yell "BYE OLIVIA, I LOVE YOU" as she's running out of my sight. Breaks my heart every morning. No lie.

And you know what I noticed about Cooper this afternoon? He loves Olivia's barbie Jeep. But he can actually STEER the thing. I was impressed. He's not even two years old yet and can steer. That's something Ms. Olivia Grace couldn't do until she was three. Guess Cooper is smarter in motor skills or something. LOL It's so nice to be lazy now when I'm outside with them.....I can watch Olivia in the pool and Cooper can ride around zooming by me every few minutes.

Until he gets stuck and then he needs his mommy........

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