Sunday, August 12, 2007

Cooper the Parrot and Olivia the Big Kid

Cooper is such a little parrot these days. He is talking ssssoooo much and just amazes me at all the new words he knows. He's definitely not the talker Olivia was at this age, but he's doing pretty well with his vocabulary. His new thing is COLORING. I guess he sees Olivia doing it, so he wants to do it too. He'll come up to you and say "I color, I color" until you *have* to give him a crayon and something to color. He's too cute! :) And so far we've only had one instance where he actually drew on the wall. I (amazingly) was able to find the humor in the situation but Al wasn't so lucky. I seriously thought he was about to have an aneurysm (however you spell that!). I know it may not look like it, but I do work really hard to keep my house in a "controlled chaos" look. LOL

Ok, so the countdown for Olivia to start school is on.......two days to go! Tomorrow I have to take her to orientation and then Tuesday is the first full day of school. I am so happy, nervous, and sad at the same time! She's really looking forward to it and says she's not going to be sad when she has to leave me on Tuesday. Olivia is such a big girl!

Too bad her Mommy can't make the same promise! LOL

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