Thursday, March 29, 2007

And the award goes to.....

Louis Bryson Griggs!!!! in "Cutest Nephew In the World"
Isn't he just too cute? He has definitely won over his Aunt Mandy and Uncle Al's hearts! :)
Al and I have decided to put Olivia in Thomas Hart. I am tired of waiting for Emmanuel to make a decision so to heck with them. (I only wish Jennifer and Mrs. Charles were blog readers!) I'm sure it's a great school, I won't deny that BUT I think they are very biased in their selection process so we'll just go elsewhere. I called Thomas Hart today and we will go on a tour tomorrow and can sign her up then. AND once you sign up, you are guaranteed a spot. So, I'm actually much happier about this - I mean, not only is it cheaper than ECS, but it's a lot closer to my house. So, I'm happy. :)

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