Olivia is a huge fan of Dora the Explorer. She has 500 million little Dora dolls, several "pack packs", a Dora costume (complete with wig), and the Dora talking playhouse. It's like someone literally threw up Dora in her room. Olivia's favorite Dora doll is her Princess Dora - she'll tell you that she wants hair like Dora's that goes over her ears. It's very cute. However, Olivia didn't have any Dora PJs and she has desperately wanted some. She had one Dora nightgown that was so tight on her that I was afraid that if she took a deep breath, it would tear. You can insert a nice mental image of Olivia ripping her nightgown off like Hulk Hogan if you like - that's what I always do!
Anyways, Nana had bought Olivia some Dora PJs as part of her birthday presents. Now, Olivia's birthday isn't until April 4th, so Nana thought she had cleverly hid the garments from Ms. Diva. Oh, how wrong she was! Of course, Olivia wouldn't be my child if she weren't nosy. She gets it honest from her Mama! From my understanding Olivia went plundering through the house and found the pjs. So, last night Olivia slept in her new purple Princess Dora nightgown! It was very cute, it doesn't look like a nightgown at all really and Olivia fell in love with it.
All was well until this morning - I had to physically hold her down on the bed and pull it off of her. She screamed the whole time "No Mommy, No!!!" I felt bad, but she couldn't wear it to daycare. So, after wrestling her and finally getting her clothes on, she cried and made me feel guilty all the way to the nursery. Another trait Olivia shares with her Mommy - she knows how to work a guilt trip!
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