Thursday, February 02, 2006

My Poor Little Man....

Cooper had to go to the doctor yesterday. :( Poor thing was running a fever and just seemed absolutely MISERABLE! Thankfully, he just has a really bad cold. The doctor (if that's what you want to call her) tested him for RSV but it came back negative. Not once did it cross her mind to maybe check his temperature since I had "mentioned" he was running fever. UGH! I miss my regular doctor - I am so glad Cooper sees him at his next appointment. I guess even he deserves days off, I just don't like it when they fall on days my kids need to see him.

So after spending two hours and fifty dollars at the doctor's office, Cooper and I went home. It was nice to have some time with just him. I don't think he and I have had any time like that since I came back to work. He rolled around the floor, cooed and "talked" to me, then ate a big lunch of formula and apple sauce. He ate the *whole* jar of baby food. He's a growing boy! He took a nap while I watched Baby Story on TLC. You know, they probably couldn't have aired any of my labor and delivery with Coop - all you would have heard was BLEEP this! and BLEEP you! and BLEEP that! I'll have to tell you the story of Cooper's birth later, but just know it wasn't as pleasant as my first experience!

Olivia can be so sweet to her little brother! After picking her up from Nana's, we went and got a pizza for dinner. On the way to Pizza Hut, Olivia was singing to him, "Cooper, Cooper, where'd you get you smile" - it was so cute! And he would just coo right back at her. She hears me singing that song to him all the time but that was the first time she'd sang it to him. Of course, two seconds later, I had to scold her for hitting her little brother. Yes, I suppose she can only be sweet for seconds at the time! Ha! By the time we got home, she was crying about something (there's NO telling) and Cooper was crying from Olivia hitting him and making so much noise. I could have probably pulled all my hair out if weren't for the pizza.

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