Saturday, April 04, 2009

Cooper's First T-Ball game

Al and I signed Cooper up for t-ball through Mt. Elon. It's basically just a bunch of little kids running after the ball and having a good time. No score is kept. I love that - I've found that I'm one of those crazy parents on the sidelines that scream "Run, run, run!" and jump up and down. I hope I'm not the only one. If I am, I don't care. Cooper was looking forward to it all week, but got really nervous and scared when it started. Al stood out on the field with him (as lots of other parents had too -LOL) and he got into it. We're looking forward to his next game.

#10 just like Daddy

He's my favorite guy in the whole wide world.

He hit the ball!

Cooper and Chandler

My sweet, sweet, wild, all boy little man! I find it a little ironic that he's on the purple team and so is Olivia with softball! He wasn't thrilled about that.

1 comment:

SCSthrnBell said...

They were so cute!! I can't wait until this weekend. I can't believe how much fun I had. =)