Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bump on the head

OMG, Olivia fell off the back of her bed and hit her head. I was in the living room when I heard a huge THUMP and then her crying. I ran in the kitchen, almost running into her. I didn't even feel the bump until Al said something. She has a HUGE bump on the back of her head now. I swear, I think I could have thrown up. I mean, it was the size of a frigging GOLF ball. UGH!!

Al, of course, thinks I am totally over re-acting but I don't! I've already woke her up once to make sure she was ok and I think I will probably wake her up about 2 more times tonight before I feel comfortable to leave her alone and letting her sleep. Thanks to the Internet, I read that almost all bumps on the head are nothing and that the skull can withstand quite the punch without causing any damage.

Boy is she ever going to have a headache in the morning!

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