Monday, September 17, 2007

Spirit Week

This week at Thomas Hart is "Spirit Week" - remember those from school? Man, I use to LOVE Spirit Week at my school. It was so fun. Olivia is just like Mommy....she couldn't *wait* for it. Today was "crazy hair day" and Olivia couldn't make up her mind how she wanted her hair done. At first she told me she wanted it "crooked" then she wanted pony tails all over. Well, as much as I love doing silly stuff like this, I'm not really good at it. It's a flaw....and I hate it. So, Olivia's pony tails all over ended up being three silly pony tails on her head. She seemed satisfied with that....I guess she knows her mommy's limits on creativity! LOL

Anyways, Olivia has dance on Monday nights. Today was Crazy Hair day - see where this is going? Olivia would NOT let Nana take her hair down so when I got to Brenda's tonight, there she was with her hair up in pig tails....three of them. But thankfully, her buddy from school, Madeline also takes dance there and she too left her hair up all silly looking. Yay!!!!

I really should have taken a picture of them - they were too cute! :)

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