Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day weekend

It's so nice to have a day off from work to spend with the kids. It's 2pm and they are down for naps and we've already been to McDonald's and Walmart. They have wore Al and I down! LOL We have had fun today, I always enjoy having a day off because I don't feel like my weekend was rushed.

Cooper LOVES this Clemson hat. He wore it for most of the day.

And of course, Olivia had to have her picture made with one on as well. :)

My "11" year high school reunion was this past weekend. It was a lot of fun! We didn't have a huge crowd, I think only 12 or so people came, but we all enjoyed catching up with each other. This is a picture of me and Jenanne....I can't believe we've been buddies since high school.....and she's still freakishly tall! :)

Our class! :) At least the best ones that cared enough to spend a Saturday night reconnecting! There's Danielle, Lyn, Laviecette, me, Meredith, Michele, Jenanne, Karen, Robert, Jamie, and Shellon. After dinner we all headed to Applebee's and hung out at the bar and talked some more. It was really fun. I see Lyn, Michele and Jenanne all the time but it was really nice seeing the others. I hope for our next reunion, we have many, many more that decide to come!

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