Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ding! Ding!

Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls.....welcome to the Griggs Daily Fight Match! In the this corner, wearing pink shorts, we have Olivia Grace Griggs. Her favorite pastimes are playing outside and tormenting her baby brother. And in this corner, wearing baby blue shorts, is the one and only tormented baby brother, Cooper Thomas Griggs! He enjoys time outs and giving his mommy millions of sloppy, open mouthed kisses.

Ok, so you know where this blog is going right? I'm in the kitchen this morning and suddenly I hear Cooper let out this horrific cry. Definitely one he can't FAKE. So, I run in the living room only to be met by the one and only Olivia screaming "But he hit me first!" I scoop Cooper up and I ask O what happened. She says that Cooper hit her with a book so she hit him back. OK....just what I need. But then Coop moves his hand and there is BLOOD everywhere! Yes, Sissy had whacked Cooper right dab in the nose with the book. Boy, I saw red!

I threw Olivia in timeout and tended to Cooper. He was fine in a matter of minutes and all was well in the world again. I talked to Olivia and explained to her why she can't be hitting her brother like she does because he's smaller, etc. But I have to tell you - they really scared the beejees out of me! All I could think of was - "what if his nose is broke!" These two fight like cats and dogs these days but you can tell they love each other to pieces. And I know it'll just get worse. I just wish Al had been home to help me with them when it happened, it was totally chaotic!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh so much to look forward to! I remember those days...(having had a little brother...yep, rings a bell) I'm sure they're keeping you busy!