Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just some stuff.....

The kids have been in school for about two weeks now and they both LOVE it. I keep getting cute ideas of how to do Olivia's hair so this morning I *bribed* her into letting me braid her pig-tails. I think they turned out quite cute! I'm so bad at doing hair (look at my own!!!) and just not GOOD at that stuff so I'm trying really hard to get better so that Olivia can live up to her "girlie girl" fullness! =)

Here's Heidi....I mean Olivia! =)

Ok, I added this because this was Cooper's breakfast on Saturday. He wanted grits - check. I thought he was done eating those when he asked for a pop tart. Ok, pop tart - check. As I walked by his bowl, this is what I found....and he was EATING it. Yuck! Even when I was pregnant with him and getting weird cravings, I *never* wanted grits with pop tarts! He's a strange kid!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer Burch said...

I love grits, but not with mashed up poptarts! I am not a poptart person really! Love the pigtails! I hope Hayley doesn't throw a fit when I want to fix her hair cute. Alot of little girls do that!