Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Yogi Bear

Olivia has fallen in love with Yogi Bear chicken. If you ask her what she wants to eat, she'll immediately say "Yogi Bear!" It's too funny. So, the other day Nana was driving by the old house at the junction of Old Camden and Ruby and there were chickens in the road. Here's the conversation between Nana and Olivia that followed:

O: Nana! Don't run over the chickens!
Nana: I'm not Olivia. *beeping horn*
O: I like chickens.
Nana: You like those chickens Olivia Grace?
O: No, the only chicken I like is from Yogi Bear Chicken!

How funny is that? My mom just laughed at her. I don't know why she is so in love with Yogi Bear now but she is. I can honestly say, I'm pretty tired of the stuff myself! =)

1 comment:

Beth said...

I'm jealous that you guys have Yogi Bear Chicken! We of course don't have any up here since that's the only one! Go Olivia! I'm with you, Yogi Bear all the way!! ;-)