Sunday, December 23, 2007

Nasty Little Boy!!!

Al is probably going to kill me that I'm putting this on the blog - but there is something every parent should know when you have more than one kid. When you are the parents or two or more, there is a 99.9% chance that one of your kids will get some sick fascination out of playing with their own poop.
We've learned this lesson the hard way. What started as a random act of Cooper taking his diaper off and pooping in the floor - has turned into a daily battle of keeping him out of his own poop! I am NOT enjoying this phase Cooper is going through! LOL Case in point - he walked in the bedroom this morning with no diaper on saying "I poop Mommy - ewww" and then I hear Olivia scream "ewwww, I just stepped in poopy!!!" Not really the way I like being woke up on Sunday morning. Then McDonald's forget to put my biscuits and gravy in the bag which totally illed me but that's a different blog. =)
In other news, we celebrated Christmas last night with my aunt and Uncle and cousins. Although my kids were WILD and out of control for most of the night, we had a really good time spending some time togehter. And Madeline is growing up ssssoo fast that it's not funny.

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