Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Losing Weight

Al and I have been "half way" doing Weight Watchers for awhile but last week I decided to get back into it full force. I've done really well and I'm down 2 pounds! Woo Hoo! I haven't really told anyone that I'm counting points and all again just because it always stresses me out to hear "So, how much weight did you lose this week?" so keep it on the down low for me. I'm secretly doing little things to help Al out too (like getting fat free hot dogs for supper, baked chips, etc) so that he can get back into the swing of it too. I'm also walking at night a few times a week and that's helping a lot. I hate to diet so this is something I really need to try to work on. We've lost weight on this before and I know I can do it. So, wish me luck! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck - i know you can do it!