Saturday, May 03, 2008

Gone Fishing.....Be back later

Olivia has wanted to go fishing for awhile now. I'm not sure where the whole fishing desire has come from, but she's been nagging us to go FOREVER. So, Michele invited us to come fishing at her parents house this morning. Olivia was ssssoooo excited and I think they had a really good time. Of course, they made me *extremely* nervous getting near the edge of the water. And to my happiness, no kids fell in the water BUT (not to my happiness!) my really nice Canon digital camera fell right in the water. UGH!!! So, I got an early Mother's Day gift and went and got me another. And to my daughter's delight - it's pink and we love it. =) Here are the pictures I managed to save on my memory card.....

Olivia, Cooper and Hunter ......Hunter was giving them a quick lesson on how to fish.
Olivia with her own fishing pole......
Michele trying to help Cooper fish.....notice how Olivia looks like a pro! =)
She caught a fish!!! One of only two that were caught while we were there!!! Go Olivia!
Daddy and Cooper fishing. Cooper was scared of the fish and would point and say "eeeewww". LOL

We had a blast - thanks Michele for having us! We definitely plan on taking the kids back over there (maybe later in the evening when it's not ssssooo hot) and catch enough fish to have a big, nice fish fry!

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