Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I think I've gone too far with the whole "Olivia, if you don't be good, the police will get you and put you in jail" trick I've been playing on my daughter for some time now. You have to admit though, it does work in crucial times to get Olivia Grace to behave herself. But now, like all my other brilliant plans, it's beginning to back fire on me. Now, every time *I* do something wrong, or Al does something wrong - you can hear Olivia say "OOOOHHHHH.....the police is going to get you!" It was funny at first. Not so much now.

Case in point....on the way home from daycare the other day, Al apparently forgot (that's his EXCUSE anyways) to put on his seat belt. Olivia let us drive all the way from Darlington to Hartsville without uttering a word about it. And looking back, I know *she* knew. Right as passed her Gramma's house Olivia howled "OOOOHHH Daddy! The police is going to put you in jail!" Al laughed and then she said (with her hand covering her ear) "Hello Police? Yes, can you come get my Daddy? He doesn't have his seat belt on." I almost died laughing! I asked Olivia what she was doing and she looked at me and said "Calling the Police - duh!"

Yes, Duh.

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