Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What happened to....

Olivia telling me to grow down? She told me last night that she didn't want to be my baby girl anymore, that she wanted to grow up. And according to her, when she turns 5 years old, she'll be grown! I know she has a limited understanding of growing up, but I just wish she wouldn't rush it!

She also keeps asking me if she can have things for when she has a baby. For example, I had Cooper in his float in the pool and she asked me if she could have that float for her baby when she had one. And I was like "yeah Olivia, you can have this float in 20 plus (big plus!) years when you have a baby". *Sigh* Why is my little girl growing up? Why can't she stay a wild 3 year old forever and ever?

Speaking of growing up too fast....Cooper can now pull up and stand up on his own. Ok, I am seriously going to cry now! He's getting more independent every day. I'll have a walker on my hands before long. WWWWHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!

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