Monday, March 06, 2006

Half a year.....

Look at this picture of my little man the day after he was born! He was so tiny and perfect. Now he's 6 months old (and still perfect!). I can't get over how fast time is flying by. Maybe I didn't notice how fast Olivia was growing up since she was the one and only but man, every time I look at Cooper, I notice how much he's grown and changed. I want him to stay my little baby boy forever. Cooper got his first tooth this weekend - which is another indicator he's growing up way too fast. He shouldn't have a tooth at six months, but he does. *SIGH*

So, Al and I took Olivia to the zoo on Saturday. She had a pretty good time. She wasn't impressed with the zebras though. She told us that they stunk. Ha! I think the movie, Madagascar really had her hopes up. She really enjoyed seeing the elephant and the alligator and the gorillas. Although we only saw one gorilla, she said she wanted to play with it. Hmmm, I don't think so Olivia! The weather was nice and Olivia and I even got to ride on the carousel before ending back to Hartsville.

Coming home from the zoo was like torture - not only did we have to watch Dora the whole way *there* and *back* but Olivia is in this phase where she wants to know what everyone's name is. For example:
Olivia: Mommy, what's your name?
Me: Mommy
Olivia: What's Cooper's name?
Me: Cooper
Olivia: What's Daddy's name?
Me: Daddy
Olivia: What's Dora's name?
Me: *sigh* Dora
Not a very fun game at all! By the time we hit the Bishopville exit, I would have confessed to anything if she was a torturer!

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