Monday, January 03, 2011


If you know anything about me, it's this - I don't do resolutions.

It's not that I don't like making them or even telling everyone what my resolutions's just that I don't ever KEEP them. Aren't we all guilty of that? If I could keep them, here's what a few of them would be:
1. Eat better.
2. Exercise more.
3. Be more patient with my kids.
4. Spend more one on one time with my husband.
5. Get my damn dog trained! For reals!!!!!
6. Run, run, run!

Ok, so maybe I can keep some, if not all of these (well except for the dog trained one, that one is a lost cause, I know it) and actually achieve some of my New Year resolutions. We'll see.

So, what are your New Year Resolutions for 2011?

1 comment:

Beth said...

LOL, I hear ya on the dog training one! My dogs are going to be 7 this Spring and potty training is all we got past...(hey at least we got the important one right?).

I plan to 1. Have a healthy baby boy (or girl if the U/S tech oopsed!) 2. Stop letting Elaina eat as many junky foods (hopefully in turn that will help us) and 3. Get back to running after this baby is born and run the Savannah RNR half marathon in November! :-) Happy New Year!