Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cabin Fever = Hate Snow

Nine inches of snow means that we've been in the house A LOT this week. Al has worked crazy, odd, LONG hours since Sunday afternoon. I missed him like crazy. Especially because I now know I'm not cut out to care for these two wild kids on my own. :) Monday was fun - we enjoyed playing in the snow (see previous blog), but by Tuesday afternoon when the snow turned to ice - it wasn't fun anymore. There's only so much Wii you can play before the walls seriously begin to close in on you. And we all know I'm not a cook, so living off of frozen dinners just wasn't cutting it anymore. Ha ha! I was so glad to go back to work on Wednesday....and trust me, THAT never happens. :)

Seriously though - this "blizzard" has caused our local schools to close for a whole week. *That* hasn't happened since I was probably O's age. Crazy. We've had more snow in SC in the last few years than I can ever remember. Global warming for reals? Maybe so.....who knows. But I'd like to remind Mother Nature and Karma that I live in South Carolina - and near the coast at that - for a reason. I prefer beaches over snow any day.

Here's a picture of my Big Honey and my two Lil' Honeys. Before snow obviously. :0)

Small picture but tonight Cooper and I made a Lego car together. We had a blast - and he was so proud of it afterwards. For about 10 seconds and then I think he lost the darn thing. *sigh* But I do have a new hobby that me and The Boy can do together now.

So, will this snow/ice EVER melt?

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