Friday, February 05, 2010

Good Tired

It's only the 5th of February and I'm BEAT. Work is hectic, but getting easier every day. And the kids are constantly into something - we have a basketball game at 8am!!!!! then another at 2pm, chores that just don't ever seem to get caught up, groceries that never stay stocked up for any length of time - so it seems like I'm always going, going, going.

But it's a good tired. I'm thankful for the job I have in times where jobs don't come easy. I'm thankful for two healthy kids to keep me busy when I have friends who can't have kids of their own. I'm thankful for that little house on Willis Drive when others don't have homes to do chores in. I'm thankful for all my blessings - and thankful they make me tired. :)

I got a call from my mom today that a friend from high school passed away last night. His death definitely hit close to home - not only was it someone I knew and had grown up with in school, someone my own age, but someone who had a family too. I can't imagine what his wife and daughter (who is Coop's age) must be going through. What a tragedy.

It's time to end this blog and go hug my kids and husband.

1 comment:

Jz said...

AMEN! I definitely can't imagine what Heather is going through! I'll keep my little house, my crazy kids, my even crazier students, and my insane husband. I couldn't ask for better! God is soooooo good to us all!