Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fancy Nancy Party at THA

Today Olivia and I went to THA's "Fancy Nancy" Tea Party. Olivia had the BEST time ever! She got to dress up all fancy and do all sort of "girlie" stuff - right up her alley! I let Olivia pick out her own outfit and she actually did pretty good! She wouldn't do anything with her hair (I guess she gets that from me), but she did get giddy when I told her I would do her make up. She was beyond thrilled to wear makeup. I think it made her life. :)

Oh yeah - you didn't know black boots go with fancy dresses? Where's your fashion sense?

It's not a party if there's no face painting. Not only did she get a princess, but she got a pink star on the other cheek.

O's outfit....and don't judge me for letting Cooper wear Christmas PJ's in Feb! LOL

She made this bow herself - how pretty is she?

This party was a great idea! All the girls had a blast - I hope it's something Mrs. Crouch continues each year. It was a wonderful opportunity for me and Olivia Grace to spend some much needed Mommy/Daughter time. Olivia thinks she's so grown - and I even forget sometimes (ok, I forget a lot) that she's only 6...almost 7 years old - my daughter is not like most kids her age - she's so stubborn, so independant, and so dang SMART, and has one of the strongest personalities I've ever seen. After doing her make up today, I told her that I wished I was as pretty as she was and she asked me if I wished I was her big sister. I told her "No, I'm glad I'm your mommy!" Oh yeah, she's the best.

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