Sunday, November 02, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Can I tell ya'll how HAPPY I am that Halloween is finally *over*? =) You should see the MASSIVE mountain of candy my two kids got! Lucky for me, I was able to stash some away for stockings at Christmas - and they haven't even noticed that the mountain got a little smaller. Ha ha! They had a blast though - it was pure torture to get the kids to wait until after 6pm to start trick or treating. They were wild when we finally did let them loose. After hitting some houses on our road, we headed over to our church and participated in "Trunk or Treat" - more candy for the kids! Our final trip was to Grandma's house for the annual Griggs Family Halloween party. There was a hayride, kids games, and you got it - MORE CANDY!!!! It was really fun and when we left, the kids crashed in the car before we hit the highway.
Olivia sporting Jay's "Joe Dirt" wig - she thought it really made her look like Sleeping Beauty. Gotta love mullets! =)

Our niece Loren - she was the cutest fairy at the party!

Our nephew Rooney....oh, I mean Louis. How cute is that costume?

Cooper before we headed out to trick or treat.....the pumpkin (aka Pumpky) is almost as big as he is! I added a black eye to his costume that night - he looked so cute!
Olivia and Cooper - Halloween 2008

1 comment:

Aron said...

SO CUTE!!! LOVE the costumes!