Wednesday, May 16, 2007

It's like baby crack man!

He's addicted to that thing in his mouth!

Cooper LOVES his paci - I mean, LOVES it. He's probably the worst of the two on breaking this habit. Olivia was a breeze, but Cooper....well, Cooper has a bad dependency on the "paci." Al and I are trying very hard to wean him and now we've gotten to where he only has it at nap time and bed time. However, Cooper hasn't feel well the last few days and when he feels bad, he needs some extra "comfort" so to speak. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to give in and hand him the paci (and I won't tell my husband how many times I have!) over the last few days. I can totally understand why it's so hard for people with other dependencies to break their habits. Poor little Coop is having a tough time. And he's showing the classic symptoms of withdrawl - not sleeping well, crying a lot, being super whiny, and clingy. I know Al and I have to stay firm, but's torture!

Oh, and Al took Olivia to practice for her recital and of course my child would DO NOTHING. She did that last year though and still ended up haming it up at the show. I can almost bet she'll do the same this year!

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