Sunday, October 03, 2010

Red 40 Update

I thought I'd give a quick update on how the whole Red 40 diet has been going.

It's been going WONDERFULLY!!!!! I can not believe how easy it is to actually purge this stuff from our diets - there's so many options out there, it's unreal. Of course, I can't keep Cooper from eating ALL foods with Red 40 in it, but I think we've done a great job at eliminating as much as we can. And believe it or not, most of the stuff I find isn't organic or any more expensive than what we normally eat.

Can we tell a difference? YES, YES, and YES!!! Even Cooper's teachers have told me how great he's doing this year in school. It just amazes me on what this kid is retaining these days - such a difference from last year. He started a hip hop class a few weeks ago too and I promise you - HE remembers more of what he's learned in class that day than Olivia does! Of course, I don't know if eliminating Red 40 has been the only thing that has helped our boy....the fact that he's a little older could be a factor too.

I definitely think we've done a job though - and I most definitely think my Lil' Man is reaping the benefits. Way to go Cooper!!!!

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Don't stop at Red 40. It is just one of the artificial dyes that will do what you've seen. Go to and watch the video at

And, yes, you CAN keep Cooper from foods with Red #40 and the other bad stuff. The Feingold Association was formed by parents who children experienced the same behaviors you saw in your son. They publish great materials including a food list of products free from those additives. Check it out and best wishes!