Monday, October 01, 2012

I passed!!!

You read that right!  I passed my motorcycle test!  Woo Hoo!!!  I took a three day beginner motorcycle training class offered at FDTC.  At first I wasn't sure if I really needed to take it since Al and my Dad have been helping me practice, but wow - I am sssooo glad I did.  We practiced all kinds of moves and turns and curves, name it.  Some of it was a lot harder than others....some of it (almost all really) was really fun.  I recommend to anyone that if you are just learning to ride or haven't ridden in a long time - this is the class for you.  Trust me.  This is probably one of the few times I am 100% right on something. 
I can honestly say, taking that class was the BEST decision I've made.  I can't even begin to tell you all that I learned while we were out there.  I definitely feel way more comfortable on my bike now than I did before.  You learn a lot of "survival skills" - and as a motorcycle rider, you can never know too many of those. 
I aced the written test (it was multiple choice and pretty easy) but the skills test was honest to goodness HARD.  I mean HARD.  The DMV skills test is NOTHING compared to the skills test you take at the end of the course.  The fact that I passed is the biggest victory in the world.  I was very nervous that I had not!  I won't lie - I still have a lot to learn and a lot of practicing to do.....I passed that test but one or two mistakes and it could have been a different story.  
Our first section was staggered cones.  Not the regular cones in a line and you just weave in and out......but cones in different positions and widths from each other.  VERY HARD.  You basically have to use your clutch control to move the bike, no throttle really.  When we practiced this, it kicked my butt. BIG TIME.  I did a little better on the skills test, but I didn't do it perfectly.  Then we had to do a figure eight within a box.  HARD.  I came out the box a little - but I didn't do horribly.  The rest of the test wasn't that bad.....we ended up doing 5 exercises and that was it.  I just hated that the first two were the main two I had the most problems with.  There's no way the DMV test is any harder than that one.  No way. 
I'm happy though - I can't wait to get out on the road and work on the skills I learned and improve my riding.  It's going to be a fun ride ya'll!  

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