Thursday, June 03, 2010

Camp and Update

Olivia declared to me earlier this year that she was "too old for daycare this summer" - so Al and I decided to sign the kids up for camp at the YMCA. OMG, it's been the best idea EVER. They get to go swimming every day, go to the park almost daily, watch movies, do arts and crafts - and most importantly, they come home EXHAUSTED. It's not even 8:30 pm and my two wild monsters are fast asleep. Ah, YMCA, you are too good to me! :)

I am so happy that THEY are happy this summer. O was miserable last summer at daycare mostly because she didn't really know anyone there anymore. The ladies there are wonderful and love the kids, but O has a harder time getting into "clicks." Cooper can make a friend out of a rock - Olivia is more reserved. She gets that from me. So far they are having a blast - and so am I. The hours are so convenient, the kids stay active all day (yay), and it's cheaper than daycare. No complaining from our house right now.

Update on the kids: O survived 1st grade! I haven't gotten her report card yet, but I'm pretty sure she did great. She still has a C in math, but that's ok. She tried her hardest and probably could have done a lot better had she not rushed through most of the work. This was her first year taking the Standford Test. She scored above average to high average in EVERYTHING. She is seriously too smart sometimes - actually, she's seriously too *observant* all the time. LOL She's definitely our little book worm and really loves school. Cooper ended his year in 4K really strong. He had a tough start to the school year with his wacko teacher, but once Mrs. Eddy took over, Cooper just came out of his shell. Since Coop was an early baby and his birthday is only 2 days shy of the cut off date in SC, we decided to let him repeat 4k. He was one of the youngest in the class last year and just wasn't mature enough to move up. We struggled with this decision but after talking to his teacher - we think we're doing the right thing. It's still hard to swallow as a parent, BUT I think Cooper will really thrive next year and we'll see a big difference in what he can do. I'm really looking forward to his school year with Mrs. Chure. She was an outstanding teacher with O so I know Coop is going to respond well to her.

It's definitely been tough watching the two of them in "real" school this year - I've caught myself wondering "why can't Cooper learn this as easy as Olivia?" Or I've caught myself saying "Olivia knew this before she even got to school!" My kids are two VERY different little people and I have had to constantly remind myself of this. And after the hard road we went through bringing Cooper into this world - if repeating 4k is the hardest thing I'm going to have to swallow - then I feel blessed beyond words.


hudson4 said...

Mandy, I know the decision was difficult, but Noah was the same way and I'm so glad that he did
4-k has made a world of difference!!! If it helps at all, I think you are making a great have wonderful children, and I'm glad God blessed you so abundantley you deserve it!!! Love ya girl!!!

Amy said...

I think you made a great decision too! It will be a big confidence booster.

analiese said...

You and Al know Cooper best and I know you have made the best decision for HIM. It doesn't matter what other people think or if they agree, you are his parents :) I was a very early birthday and dad kept me in preschool and additional year instead of sending me to k and I always did very well in school. Some people these days want to RUSH their kids into learning and school. You are giving Cooper the chance to come into it at his pace and that will make all the difference! Can't believe Olivia Grace is getting so old on us! I remember when you were preggers with her. Hopefully we can catch up at some point this summer when I am at mom and dad's house.