Monday, January 11, 2010

Report Card

Olivia got her report card today and she made A's and B's!!! Yay!!! Al and I are so proud of our little girl! She struggled with handwriting - she made a C last time (which I thought was totally ridiculous considering she just LEARNED to write!) but she's been working on it really hard and brought it up to a B. I haven't agreed with everything O's teachers have said or told me, but Al and I have been working really hard with O to get some things improved. I feel like I'm on the moon! :) Great job O!

Cooper doesn't get a report card since he's only in 4K - but his teacher told me the other week that she can see a big improvement in Coop and could tell that we had been working with him at home. Cooper is just as smart as his big sister, he just has a little harder time focusing. I am proud of my little guy's improvements. You've come a long way Little Man! :)


hudson4 said...

That is so awesome, I know they are smart kiddos!!! Way to go O and Cooper:)

analiese said...

Great job! I can't believe they get a letter grade in handwriting at that age. Crazy!