Sunday, July 31, 2011


Cooper has turned into a HUGE milk monster almost over night.  He wants to drink it all the time now.  Which is great - maybe the milk will help him grow.  He's still a runt!  :)

OGG on the other hand, has turned into a doped up, steroid filled terror of a monster.  She woke up a few days ago with a sore throat.  My mother instincts told me to get her to the doctor and thankfully we did.  She tested positive for strep.  AGAIN.  Her tonsils were so swollen, she needed a steroid to help.  OMG, she's bounced off the walls and almost ate us out of house and home.  LOL  I keep telling myself "only two more days." 

Her throat is better now though.  Cooper, on the hand, is still wild as all get out.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fantasy Lake

Fantasy Lake rocks! 

If you haven't been to Fantasy Lake in Hope Mills, NC - then stop reading this blog and GO.  We took the kids on Sunday and I can't even begin to tell you how much fun we had.

O and Al went down several of the main slides - which really surprised me about Lil' Miss O.  I guess I should know that my girl really has no fear.  She even went down one of the big green slides that went straight down.  Of course, at the time, she didn't know it did that!  Ha ha!  Cooper wasn't allowed in the main area but there's a FABULOUS kid area.  It's designed for kids 3 to 11 and it was perfect.  Cooper didn't even need his swimmers or anything.  He was a PRO at the Tarzan swing by the time we left.  I can't tell you how many times the kids went down slides,  swung and flew off the Tarzan swings and tried their best at the zip lines over the water.  It was a blast.  We got there when they opened at 10am and didn't leave until 3:45pm!  The Griggs family left exhausted and a little sun burnt.  We definitely want to go back. 

We skipped the pedal boats of course because Cooper said "I will NOT pedal." Ok....Mommy ain't doing all the work mister!  

My only complaint - the sand was frigging hot!!!!  Our poor feet were so sore and tender by the end of the day.  But now I know we need water shoes (or whatever they are called) for all of us next time we go! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Too Busy to Blog

I suck.  I have neglected my blog so much this year.  It's not that I don't have funny or insightful (ha ha) things to blog about, I just don't have the time.  It being summertime, you would think I would have all the free time in the world. 

I'm still in this running craze, and that my loyal blog friends, is what is keeping me from my blog.  By the time I work all day, go run/workout, come home and spend time with the kids - I have little interest in sitting here in front of the computer.  I've got to get back into the swing of it though, I basically use this blog as a scrapbook for the kids so I've been neglectful.  Ha ha!

Cooper and Livvie are growing like weeds.  They are enjoying the summer so much.  They are both so frigging tan, it ain't funny!  I think they have grown gills.  They collapse in bed at night because they are exhausted.  I love it.  Although I honestly can't remember the last time I gave them a bath, I'm sure Al has.  At least I really hope so.  They haven't started to smell so I'm taking that as a very good sign. 

The weather has been so hot, it's actually been miserable to be outside some afternoons.  I loved summer when I was younger, but the older I get, the more I hate it.  Fall is the best season EVER.   It's made it hard to keep up with my running, but I'm doing it.  I have to run on the treadmill, which I really don't like, but it's better than quitting I suppose.  Anyways, that's the update for now - hopefully I can get back into the mind frame of blogging and have some great blogs for you all to read.  :)

Saturday, July 02, 2011

A comment can do that?

I lost a friend.  On Facebook.  Which I guess isn't really a big deal.  I was never really close to this person anyways.  What bothers me is why I was defriended.  Want to know why?

Over a status.  Yes, over a status I posted on MY wall on Facebook.  Is that not total BS or what?  I'm entitled to my opinion, it's my space - so why does something I say bother someone so much they defriend me?  Oh well.

My status was simply "Congrats New York."  Apparently my friend didn't feel the same way - which is completely and 100% fine with me.  But don't email me and tell me how just because I apparently support gay rights that I'm wrong and shouldn't feel that way.   Hell to the NO.

Do I believe gay people should have the right to marry?  YES.   Do I think homosexuality is a sin?  YES.    But you know what else?  I sin EVERY DAY.  So who am I to say that sin is any worse than the ones I commit?   I can't - because that's not my job.  I have loved ones and friends that are gay - so yes, I support gay rights.   I can't imagine someone telling me that I can't legally wed the one I love simply because we're the same sex.  I mean, to me - love is love.  And if I love you enough to want to spend the rest of my life with you - it shouldn't matter that you're a man or woman.  All that should matter is that love has brought us together.  It's sad that people I LOVE don't have the right to have that same bond that I have with my husband. 

And since this is my blog and I'm completely honest here - let's face the facts.  Straight people don't do a great job of making marriage look fabulous.  I mean, 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Let that sink in a minute.  FIFTY PERCENT.   So what the heck is the problem?  Spouses cheat, husbands beat their wives, people stay in loveless marriages for their kids sake - yet as a society most people feel gay people will ruin the institution of marriage.  I can not even begin to tell you  how ridiculous this is to me.  But if that's how you feel, so be it.  I didn't email you and tell you that I thought you were completely nuts and hated gay people.  Do me a favor and don't email me because all I can tell is that straight people do a good enough job of ruining the institution of marriage.  And that ruin started a long time before gays wanted the right to legally marry. 

Here's my thought process - when you stop looking at someone as "gay" or "straight" and instead simply see them as a PERSON, then you begin to realize *no one* should ever be told what they are allowed to do and not to do.   Since I'm being honest here - I feel like that's what Jesus would do.  How can He turn someone away that loves Him, worships Him, is a good person and does good deeds simply because they loved someone of the same sex? 

Lady Gaga says it all in her song "Born this Way."   So to my ex-friend - I wish you all the best and maybe one day we can be Facebook friends again.  But if not, that's ok too.  After all, this blog and my Facebook page is just that - MINE.  You can defriend me all you want, but you'll never change my opinion and beliefs.