Monday, May 17, 2010

Dance Recital

My favorite little dancer had her annual dance recital on Saturday. Olivia loves to perform for a crowd, so being on stage was no big deal to OGG. :) She was worried that Daddy and Coop wouldn't be home in time for her show, but they made it back to see her shine!

Is she really this big already? I can remember her little Fu-Fu costumes that she wore only a few short years ago. Olivia doesn't LOVE dance like I did when I was little, but I think it's mainly because she just hasn't found the class she really likes. Tap and Ballet are out - Jazz is a maybe. She wants to try Hip Hop next year so we'll see. I'm trying to talk Cooper into taking a Boys Hip Hop class too - he keeps flipping back and forth on me on that one. I have a few months to try to talk him into it though. :)

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